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Marathon Weekend!!

The day before the big day. I took it easy and guess who flew ALLLL the way across the country to come witness and support my run in person??? Uchenna! ❀ He came in late Friday night, so we kicked it off Saturday with a brunch at Flying Biscuit with my fellow marathoner Linda. This restaurant was OFF di CHAIN!! Biscuits, apple butter, fried macaroni &cheese, cheesy dreamy grits. O. M.GEEEEE!!! ( i sample Uchenna’s cheesy grits. Yum-may!!) So far from clean eating, but everyone needs to indulge every now and again. For myself, I had organic oat pancakes, veggie scramble, turkey bacon, and potatoes. Can we say stuffed, but in a good way, lol.

Later that day, Uchenna and I kicked it with one of his friends, David, from his undergraduate days at Tufts University.

Morning of the race. I got nervous anticipation building so strong I could hardly sleep! LoL

My marathon buddy/classmate/friend Linda

trying to figure out where the Start Line is…

i don’t know what was going on here, lol

Found it! Places people…

just another face in the crowd of marathoners running 26.2miles BEFORE the sun was even up!!! Sheer madness, but exciting!!

Uchenna aka My biggest supporter and fan

getting my music together


And we’re off folks… See you at the finish line…HOURS later o_O LoL

my camera man boo got a good pic of Linda in action…Gone ‘head girl!

The best thing about running 26.2 miles…is the FINISH LINE in sight!!!!

AMEN y’all!! I don’t know these women, but this picture captures MORE than 1,000 words!!

DONE!!! 26.2 miles and 4:55:08 later I. AM. DONE!!!!!

I DID it!! I. DID. IT!!!!! I completed my first ever marathon!!! PRAISE GOD!!! 4 LONG months of consistent (i did miss a run day here and there) training all boiled down to a few hours. For 16 weeks, I have purposefully selected my meals, chosen when to push my body, and…But the ONE thing that I could not control was the weather, UGGH!! Of all days, Mother Nature decided to switch it up on me. I woke up race day and the weather was maaaddd COLD yo!!! o_O No bueno! I HATE cold weather…like forreal foreal DESPISE it! Needless to say I was praying for the weather to warm up. Unfortunately, it never did. In fact it got colder, windier, and even rained!! Yuck! I’ve been training in sunny 80+ degree weather. I did not prepare for this…dah well the show must go on…I came to RUN!!!! And run I did!! Even the cold weather tightened up my muscles, I couldn’t get warm, and my fingers were numb, I NEVER STOPPED!!

Whew!!! What a weekend!! It was everything I anticipated, minus the weather!!! The sea of people, each with a different story or inspiration for running such a race. I’m soooo grateful that I had the chance to be a part of it all. I THANK GOD for the gift of limbs and movement and good health!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to EVERYONE who supported, encouraged, ran/trained with me, ate with me, gave me tips, and ALL THAT during this 16 week journey!!! I’m so BLESSED to have and be surrounded by such sincerity and love!!! We did it!! πŸ™‚


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2 thoughts on “Marathon Weekend!!

  1. You are amazing! Your story and determination have been such an inspiration! And girl you looked good in that running outfit- get it!

    • THANK YOU Tiff, for all your LOVE and SUPPORT and constant encouragement!! I’m excited about your new running journey…can’t wait to see where it leads you πŸ™‚ . Preciate the race day outfit love too!!

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